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zen | can we make the photos link to there spots? :)
MadDog | hrrmm.. yeah...
zen | yay the mighty mikey :)
MadDog | thar she blows with linky goodness...
zen | oh that is unreal
MadDog | :oD
zen | whats five words that best describe me
MadDog | gah.. i dunno... something about icing
zen | send me a message
MadDog | NO!
Bet you didnt know I'd say that, eh?
zen | nope didn't see that one coming at all ;)
zen | i'm having lunch with scottie today..
MadDog | I bet you are... *nudge nudge wink wink*
zen | *laugh*
yep.. i'm going for a bit of a bonk.. i mean
.. argh.. a sandwhich..
zen | reakon i should change my handle to 'tapioca'
MadDog | cocoa-tapioca sounds good...
zen | yeah..
MadDog | and you can have a giant dancing japanese
robot as a picture!
zen | yeah!
MadDog | and I'll change my name to ulala and I'll run
around going chu chu chu!
zen | and space micheal jackson can follow you
MadDog | here comes the innernet again..
falling on my head like a memory,
falling on my heart like a true emotion... e
zen | coo coo ca choo
MadDog | I am the walrus..
zen | I am the egg man!
MadDog | hee! *POP!*
zen | whoo hoo!
zen | what you doing for lunch today?
MadDog | Why?
( I was gunna say "Having lunch with youu :o)"
but then I thought that if I said that, then
you might say "Nah I'm having lunch with
someone else" and that would make me sad and
would generally throw my world into a
perpetual state of chaos...)
zen | i plan on having lunch with you..
MadDog | huzzah!! My world is stable once again.....
zen | *zenny does the angry beavers dance*
MadDog | oh... are you an angry beaver?
zen | *checks teeth.. looks for tail*
MadDog | ahh.. good old humanity...
zen | yup
i'm an angry zen.. thats allowed
MadDog | dont be angry.. be full of jelly beans and
moon pies...
zen | nope wanna be angry today
MadDog | nooo.. dont make me start singing showtunes
zen | you know what the angry beavesr do when they
get really really angry..
they have a thumb wrestle.
MadDog | yeah... I'd thumb wrestle with ya, but I know
I'd lose... or cheat...
zen | theyre cool..
MadDog | but theyre not really that angry... ones
pretty angry... and the other ones just
MadDog | I dreamed a weird one last night but I forgot
most of it. I just remember steering a pirate
ship around and I crashed it and I had to beg
the pirate who owned the ship for my life...
zen | hey how can i change it so my ip says
zenny.org .. for like when i post on the
posting board?
MadDog | you asked me that question before.. :o) and I
said "Ask Braden"
zen | ah ok :)
MadDog | :oD
zen | thanks anyway :)
MadDog | youre quite welcome...
zen | :)
zen | bradens answer to my question 'magical
very helpful hee hee
zen | Do You Have The Yen To Be a A Millionaire?
I yen! i yen!.. do you yen?
MadDog | I have the Yen... oh yes... I... have the
zen | we have shiney plants again..
MadDog | Ohh.. I must bask in the shiney foliage..
MadDog | Perl wisdom
"If you fork without ever waiting on your
children, you will accumulate zombies. "
from the perl manual pages :)
zen | oh i'm keeping that one ;)
zen | we going to see shanghi noon tommorrow night?
MadDog | yes! lets! and we can have lashings and
lashings of tuck!
zen | haha..
and do karate moves at work for the rest of
the week..
well more than me normally do ;)
MadDog | yeah!!
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