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Jerzakie | so.. hows your DNS?
Mikey | waiting for the network guy to get here so I
can beat him into submission.. umm I mean..
get him to fix it
Jerzakie | // _____0 "Fix my site.. or it's your
ass.. network guy"
/ /0
/ /
Jerzakie | boy that got messed up
Mikey | heheh especially with the crazy-ass font ive
got on this thing...
Jerzakie |
// _____0 "Fix my site..
/ /0
or it's your ass.. / /
network guy"
Jerzakie | you know what, never fucking mind
Jerzakie | what is it like 7:50am there.
Mikey | 8:53
Jerzakie | 8:53.. huh
Mikey | 8:54
Jerzakie | I get the picture
Jerzakie | you should get a cardboard tube and start
beating some ass.
Mikey | God I wish I had a cardboard tube...
Jerzakie | I'd think a newspaper would have one around
Mikey | yeah.. theyve got them all over the place, but
I'm in a different office...
Jerzakie | I shall teach you the weays of the Ninja.
Walk over to that office go in quitely. Say
"mind if I borrow one of these?" use your
Ninja mnd control to make them say "Yeah" or
"yes" or "I don't care, take as many as you
want". then... wildly begin your rampage.
Mikey | thankyou sensei...
Jerzakie | amitagato.
Jerzakie | which means... something.. I'm sure.
Jerzakie | You hip to all this crap going down with Iraq
and the UN and all ?
Mikey | I'm semi-hip, that is to say, I'd be the H and
about a third of the I, but nowhere near the
Mikey | I suggest we send Solid Snake over to snipe
Saddam, spec-ops style. problem solvered.
Jerzakie | Yeah the Solid Snake idea is definitely a goof
one, or the dudes from Contra, or the Ikari
Mikey | Oh god yes, the Ikari boys would whup their
asses... but you have to point them in the
right direction, seeing as they can only
scroll vertically...
Mikey | GAHH! Fucking asshats like that piss me off...
Jerzakie | "asshats" - awesome
Mikey | yeah.. its a fave of mine... along with
Jerzakie | yeah I dig that one too... I made up
Mikey | I also like -
Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an
Mikey | we got access to a mySQL database?
Jerzakie | yeah especially one moving that much traffic
Jerzakie | we have my MSSql server
Mikey | hmm.
Jerzakie | "mySQL" --- /me slaps MadDog
Mikey | ow... huh?
Jerzakie | mySQL.....
Mikey | yes... seeing as its a linux server
Jerzakie | oh.. yeah.. that
Jerzakie | /me slaps self
Jerzakie | ow.
Mikey | heheh confusion aplenty.. lets start over...
Hi! Internet!
Jerzakie | are you going to change your cam today ?
Mikey | hmmm.. I'm lost for inspiration.. I might just
put my head on david hasslehoffs body or
Jerzakie | WANG
Jerzakie | Soup Ladel.
Jerzakie | "grunties"
Jerzakie | I broke 200 postcound on the phorum today w00t
Mikey | yahoooo!!! u r l33t poster!
Mikey | Ahh.. I see you have a large shitty front
heading across the low pressure area,
accompanied by snowflakes the size of entire
Jerzakie | yeah, they crushed the mall
Jerzakie | Happy biggity birthday
Mikey | Thankyooooou! I'm so terribly ooooold...
Jerzakie | I know, I have 6 months of experience being 25
and let me tell you..... it's like being 24...
only this year..
Jerzakie | Man, Nicki starts a 2nd shift job next week. I
am going to have more time on my hands than I
know what to do with.
Mikey | take up cross-stich...
Mikey | Man I'd love to se God's home entertainment
Jerzakie | Gods Entertainment center > gabes.
I bet He has Dobly 6.1.... I know it...
Mikey | for sure... His remote control would be
awesome... like one of those tablet touch
screen things like Ozzy Osbourne's got... but
Jerzakie | we 0wn that page
Jerzakie | ROCK
Mikey | we SO ownz0rxzz111 that page..
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