Wacky Jerzakie

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Jerzakie We're gonna have to start a web comic
Mikey hehe for sure... I've been meaning to for a while... I even did a little cartoon version of me to star in it...
Jerzakie ok.. we both draw too.
Mikey hahah .. cool... we rock... :)
Jerzakie yeah.
Jerzakie f*cking seperated at birth (lucky bitch got to live in Australia)

Jerzakie so uh.. when you wanna to cartoon Cam?
Mikey yeah.. whenever you want.. you got any ideas?
Jerzakie Hell yeah I think we could uh... we can... like... you wou... *sigh... no... I don't have any ideas.
Mikey hah me either... this may require more thought than previously believed... heheh hmmm..
Jerzakie HMMMMM
Jerzakie *ow* I think I popped my brain.
Mikey what a coincidence... I'm listning to nirvarna's aneurysm... hahah
Jerzakie spooky
Mikey theres that psychic connection...

Mikey Okay cartoon cam.. hmm.. we should have a common background.. like a couch, a lot of web comics are set on a couch... so like a 640x240 cartoon pic of a couch... and you draw you sitting on your end, with a controller in your hand, saying something like "Gee this really sucks ass" and I'll be like "So does your mamma"
Jerzakie ooh.. thats good.

Jerzakie go home, it's Thanksgiving.
Mikey Oh shoosh you mr american cheese!
Jerzakie don't give me that "I live in another country and we don't have thanksgiving" crap.
Mikey fine.. I'll go home and stuff a chiken into a duck then stuff the duck into a turky and eat til I'm bloated then.. will that make you happy?
Jerzakie yeah
Mikey cool... done

Jerzakie man i jsut tried to send a 208M image to an HP932c, oops.
Mikey HAHAHHAHA.. it probably just had a nervous breakdown...
Jerzakie yeah, I am surprised it didn't catch on fire.
Mikey or at least start sobbing uncontrollably...

Jerzakie I bout $648.07 worth of contact solution tonight.
Mikey thats a lot of saline...

Jerzakie "would you like to come upstairs.. .bouncy bouncy..."
Mikey HAHAH... yep..

Jerzakie man have you ever heard "Shaniqua" by Little T and One Track Mike ?
Mikey nope...
Jerzakie man it's great
Mikey I'll be the judge of that!!!!!!
Jerzakie No you won't I already was and it's great, asswipe.

Jerzakie damn I am glad they don't monitor my bandwidth. ... whats an email address you can receive a picture at right now.. lol I have a pic of our router bandwidth logs :)
Mikey maddog@planetmadoog.com
Mikey make that maddog@planetmaddog.com
Jerzakie MadDoog...yeah it really looses something with that..
Mikey actually, I've got it set up so you can send an email to jerzakieisgoingtosendmeapictureofrouterlogs@pl netmaddog.com and it will still get to me... :)
Jerzakie how about OctupleDaisyChainFeltching@planetmaddog.com ?
Mikey yep...

Jerzakie Ladies and gentlemen....... MIKE !!!!!
(crowd goes wild)
Mikey hahah.. thanks for the lovely MailMerge introduction...
Jerzakie haha !
Mikey thats another thing Ive noticed about americans.. you say last name, while we're more likely to say surname
Jerzakie Dear [title] [firstname] [lastname],

You are fired due to [list of your dysfunctional habits].

[rude comment]

[bossfirstname] [bossLastName]

Mikey Word...

Jerzakie ValidationFunc.FireValidator (((RequiredFieldValidator)e.Item.Cells[0].FindControl ("reqEditLineName") ))
Jerzakie C# is jsut a bunch of random characters, I am sure of it... there is absolutly no order to it whatsoever...
Mikey you think thats bad.. lemme grab some perl that I have to sort through....

$Body .=$O->Data("Head").if $Headline
and &is_ok($O->Data("Head"));
if ($Picture[$i]=~/\/[0-9]+\.\w{3}/) {
$Picture[$i]=~s/src=(.*?)\s/$& ALT=\"CLICK
} elsif ($Picture[$i]=~/\/\d{8}\w+\.\w{3}/) {
$Picture[$i]=~s/src=(.*?)\s/$& ALT=\"CLICK
} else { # We have a non orderable photo
$picname=$1 if$Picture[$i]=~/\/(\w+)\.\w{3}/;
$Picture[$i]=~s/src=(.*?)\s/$& ALT=\"CLICK
Jerzakie perl is evil and was deveolped by satan himself.

Jerzakie I have posted a new webcam... and it wass good.
Mikey HAHAHAHAH!! Well done, Jerzakie@Werzakie... Very nice.. :)
Jerzakie "Jerzakie@Werzakie" where is that?
Mikey your icq name is Jerzakie@Werk... and I was being cool *making exaggerated hand gestures* and changed it to Werzakie
Jerzakie ah, you clever bastard, you !
Mikey see, it was, like, a play on words... a parody of modern pop culture... satire if you will..

Jerzakie hahah !! w00t, I dog your cam !
Jerzakie dog = dig.
Jerzakie i kan spel guud
Mikey HAHAHA I wasnt sure what you meant there.. I thought I was missing out on some new hip internet lingo... "Man I dog your new website... its is the doggingest shiznit in da hizouse."
Jerzakie "fo' sheezy"

Jerzakie BAM! I am like the ICQ ninja !
Mikey whoa! out of the shadows you spring... amazing!
Jerzakie Hoiiiiiii - yah - oof oof, ha hee.. hoi.... hhhaawweeeeyaaaa !
Mikey impressive
Jerzakie thank you.
Mikey quite welcome.

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