Ec Escapades

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Ec hehe your fave song is #1 again in oz

Ec 8-) - keep your shades on
Mikey 8-) sshhhhhades are on.. im so cool..
Ec you're a rockstar!!!

Ec So you see - I think you'd do well and I insist that you go all out to get on BB and show the country what you look like nakid!!!! *lol!!!!*
Mikey yeah... thats the other thing... I GET TO BE NEKKED TO THE WORLD!
Ec you can do that though thru the net What a useful tool
Mikey yep! godbless the internet

Ec I think there is a ghost in the shot for August. Just faintly in the background
Mikey woo.. lemme see.. I can confirm it and you'll be famous!
Ec hehe - okay *hands over calender* Just look at the ghost though - NOTHING ELSE!!
Mikey okay.. *looks* tee hee hee.. umm yes.. ghost..
Ec *giggle* my only response
Mikey heheh
Ec the ghost kinda looks like...
Mikey yeah.. it does look a bit like kenny rogers.. but he's still live isnt he?
Ec yes he is....

Mikey hahah you made me think of vanilla coke and the closest we've got here is creamy soda, so I'm off to get some...
Ec hehe - I haven't tried vanilla coke yet. Is it any good? can I have some!!
Mikey I dont have any.. I've only got creamy soda...
Ec then I'll have that then I'll trade you. A swig of your creamy soda for some of my jelly beans
Mikey yum! *munch*
Ec hehe jokes on you cos I have no jelly beans!! *gulp gulp* Thanks for the drink!!!!! *runs away fast*
Mikey *shakes fist* I'll get you for this erica!!
Ec *laughs wickedly* I'm such a morag

Mikey heheh our pizza hut chick was named morag once...
Ec yeah!?!? What did you say to here about it?
Mikey nothing, but I kept the receipt with her name on it... :)
Ec hehe - yeah!!! Awesome!! Something to treasure for years to come

Mikey hhaaaah!
Ec what's funny?
Mikey lots of funny things
Ec right.... You are being scary
Mikey yep
Ec hehe - running away now
Ec not so frightened now
Mikey come out from under there...
Ec *whimper*

Ec Me and Braden wanna ask you something
Mikey whats that then?
Ec if a girl has her nipple pierced, and you can see the outline of it when she's wearing a tight shirt.... Is that sexy?
Mikey hmmm... In my opinion, yeah a little... it makes you go, ooooohh and stuff... but I still think the nipple, unpierced but totally clearly visible through a tight shirt is sexier...
Ec I think it's gross!!! I saw this girl on a bus once and she had the biggest rings there in both of them So tacky and cheap
Mikey well if theyre huge, then no way.. I'm thinking like a little bar or sonething
Ec hmm - nah. I think not

Ec Do this test!!!!
Mikey Apparently I'm Ted Schmidt whatever that means...
Ec hehe - I'm Justin!!! Although I think it's a boy quiz. But I love Justin! He's my fave
Mikey its a gay quiz...
Ec it's a TV quiz!
Mikey a GAY tv quiz...
Ec fine - and So??
Mikey so what? I was just stating the facts...

Mikey here.. have a chupachup
Ec thanks!! What flavour is it?
Mikey cola... or Ive got a strawberry and cream one if youd prefer it...
Ec nah - I think cola suits me fine!!

Ec hmm - I just got a big huge craving for lasagne!
Mikey yumbo!
Ec hehe - yes! But I'm not having that for tea
Mikey why not? go on!
Ec I don't have any!! I'm gonna have something else
Mikey make some!
Ec I don't know how!! But I have the meat and sauce! Just not the sheets
Mikey go buy some!!
Ec no!! I don't know how to make it
Mikey LEARN!! you have the internet at your disposal!
Ec hehe - nah, I'm having satay chicken! *licks lips*
Mikey euu
Ec what's wrong with that?
Mikey not as nice as lasagne...
Ec hehe - yeah. I don't have lasagne enough I think!!! ahhh - delta is singing to me.

Mikey kitty at my fooot and I wanna touch it...
Ec hmm - okay

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