Planet MadDog

The Big Move
Well, it's done.

My unit has been sold and I've now moved into my new home. Stuff is in boxes everywhere, but I did manage to get the most important room done nicely. My lounge is all rigged up quite nicely with the surround stereo, the PC (with DVD and remote), the telly and VCR and all my consoles. We celebrated the move on Saturday night curled around my new Shrek DVD. :) We'll be moving things from their boxes to their new places little by little through the week.

On Friday night, Braden, Scotty and my bad self went on down to the Yahoo Bar to catch Bodyjar. They well and truly rocked the place. My neck and shoulders are still a bit sore from the thrashing. I managed to pilfer a set-list which was taped to the stage after the show. I'll scan it in later and put it here.

My bucks night is this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. A lot of people can't make it unfortunately, but at least the party won't be so big that I don't get to spent quality time with the mates. We're starting off at Flannigans, but after that I don't quite know what's happening. I'll just go with the flow I guess.

Other than that, weddingy plans are tying themselves up (well, more accurately, we've been tying them up, and Gracie's been swearing at them). Also, while I'm really looking forward to the honeymoon, the organising of it is going far from smoothly.

I'll fill you in more on everything later as it eventuates.
Posted by a very adventurous MadDog on Monday November 19, 2001 at 3:25 PM - (0 comments)


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