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zen | make me smile please
MadDog | *zzzip*
zen | heh thanks
MadDog | I fucking burned myself with the soldering
zen | that can't be good
you ok?
MadDog | yeah.. but I've run out of zooper doopers to
cool it down...
zen | :(
MadDog | I'll have to start using sausages :o)
MadDog | bummer about being zen is that youre down the
bottom of everyones icq list... :o)
zen | well..there is that..but then i make up for it
by being online.....alot *grins*
MadDog | Apparently, you do the Hokey-Pokey... THEN you
turn around.
And to think I'd been doing it the wrong way
around all these years.
zen | ..then you put ya flap ya wings and do the
chicken thing
MadDog | Nah mate... I spread it with butter...
zen | you couldn't have wish for anything better
zen | thanks dad...i am looking after myself..
MadDog | Bugger
zen | footy
zen | whoa
zen | w-whoa
zen | hullo
zen | or something
zen | random
MadDog | are ALL of silvy's friends short?
zen | apparently
MadDog | *in little mikey voice*
zen | :)
in little kylie voice "mew"
zen | little fishy
zen | (:
MadDog | Why do you hate me? Dont hate me or I'll hate
that you. she dont hate that you? nah why
so that hate you for? Ignore you that hate
she ?
zen | bite me
MadDog | boobies...
*tee hee hee*
zen | hehehe
MadDog | su-ba-ru! Ha-ha-ha!
MadDog | you-a-winna! ha-ha-ha
zen | :)
MadDog | I am typing on the internet
zen | really....i don't believe you..cos i am..and
surely only one person at a time can do that
zen | Your yummy yoghurt entrails make me want to
get braden to wear my jacket all the time...
zen | Looking at this tv guide with picture of luke
perry on it makes me think really hard about
90210 and all the 46 episodes I have on tape
at home hidden under my bed.
zen | la
zen | you've got piiiirrrtteee hair
zen | *giggles*
zen | hee hee hee
MadDog | *wiggle!*
zen | *giggles*
tee hee hee
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