Ade's Ramblings

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Ade arvie there mate o'
MadDog arvie? who's he? Im confused...
Ade arvie ... as in g'arvie as in good arvie as in good afternoon
MadDog ooh! right o me ol boot!
Ade :)
MadDog arrr.. ghoolies!
Ade where?
MadDog theyre everywhere! in my custard!!! ARRGH!
Ade I pitty the person that makes your custard
MadDog lumpy it is.. yes, mmm

MadDog you are good friend ade.
Ade Yeah I know ... hehehe what do you say that?
MadDog you friend i make you ginger snaps!
Ade ??? *confused now*
Ade ??
MadDog mmm... burgermeister
Ade ahhhh craziness ...

MadDog ginger... snap...s...o
Ade what is ginger snap?
MadDog biscuits!!
Ade grrr never mind :P ... I was wondering what they are meant to sybolize
MadDog they dont symbolise anything.... theyre made by arnotts!!
Ade grrr

Ade ok I am off to the big bed in the sky till we meet agin sweet princess .... ahhhh .... ummmm just forget I said that ..... bye now ....

Ade ahhh some dodgy chick sent me a naked man homepage disguised as a MP3 site .... arrrrg I am scared forever ...
MadDog euuuuuu

Ade Good evening !
MadDog good evening princess zelda
Ade huh??? hmmm I seem to have lost my penis
MadDog *looks under a purple cabbage* here it is!
Ade geee thanks ... now I can be link again ! ;)

Ade ohh scary I am talking with psycho bitch on ICQ !!
MadDog she wants your body bad boy...
Ade yeah I know ... why you ask? ... well I dunno
MadDog me either... she must have a thing for super mario lookalikes....
Ade oi !!!!!!!!!!!!! WHACCCKKK
MadDog you should hook her up with the manager from la porchetta's... she wont know the difference...
MadDog have at you baby pumkin fries...
Ade swashbuckler
MadDog ahhh zorro!!!! too many kilograms per centremetre
MadDog get yer bin out... only 220 bars o' gold to go jimlad!
Ade hehheheheheh Bugger mi Timbers !
MadDog mmm... a luvly pack of Bugger Rings...
Ade shank my Crank thanks
MadDog ovarian shanky woosies....
Ade Fanny Flaunter
MadDog *zzzip*
Ade I need sum tim tams .... where are yooouu ?
MadDog TRIFORCE!!! YAYA YA YAAAAA!! Give me the stone of agony!!!!!!! OW!

Ade I have now divorced Bri ! YAY
MadDog do you get paid alimony?
Ade nah he wants my pooter ... so I have decided to go back ... damn it
MadDog yeah... at least you two are back together.... Ahhh... youze are such a cute couple....
Ade Yeah .... well I am the cuter one !
MadDog maybe, but only becoz of the facial hair.. lets end this thread of conversation now.
Ade yes please !!!!!

MadDog I havent blown a light bulb in a long time....
Ade hehehehh ahahahhahah hohohoho .... keep it in ya pants boy !
MadDog no no.. i mean like a light bulb.... a real one... ... when I moved in I went through about 3 of them in the 1st week!!!
Ade Hooray lets have a party to celebrate ... yay yay yay
MadDog yes! For things are groovy...
Ade groovy for you !

MadDog mmm... crack....
Ade mmm crack ... keep repeating that to a catch tune ... and you could make a million !
MadDog yeah! a new number 1 hit!!

MadDog Its a-delicious mama... and a-chunky!
Ade hey stop with the wog jokes ... sob sob
MadDog heheh... okay..... one more ... "MARIO!!!" Okay... I'm done now....
Ade sheesh .... heheheh ill push ya fog back !
MadDog noooo.. I like my fog....

MadDog yahoo!
Ade yahooie in a shmooie :)
MadDog yaay... Im over here now!
Ade Hmmm I can envisage your weird ass voices when you have had a bit to drink :)
MadDog heheheh.. I have that effect on a lot of people....
Ade yeah but its cool !!!
MadDog do you see little mushroom men too???
Ade yeah ..... its soo great my mushroom man helps me out in my quest to save humanity from the dreaded razor blade habit !

Ade damn now I cant use my kung foo ..... damn you McCorry !
MadDog I will use the mighty cloud palm now!!! CLOUD PALM!!! Mmm...
Ade huh ? what is that suposed to do?
MadDog umm... it like throus water around and stuff... not entirely practical, but it still looks cool...
Ade ok ... oh no I am surrounded by water ... what ever shall I do??? help help help me Rhona !
MadDog Aha! Wind kick!

MadDog okay then!!!! nighty night.... now I can go back to cleaning!!!
Ade yup .... have fun Saidie
MadDog saidie?
Ade the cleaning lady !
MadDog oh... i get it... quite comical..

MadDog hello mr miamoto
Ade its Miyamoto to you punk
MadDog I am oh so sorry mr miyamoto...
Ade hmmm thats better .... NO ZELDA FOR YOU !

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