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Soap | Your General IQ Score is
I'm a freakin genius!
Mikey | welcome to the genius club.. heres your name
badge and complimentary pocket protector...
Soap | do I get glasses with sticky tape on them?
Mikey | no.. you have to earn them... its like karate,
first you start off with clear sticky tape,
then work your way throough the colours,
yellow, brown, green, blue and finally
Soap | awwww clear sticky tape......can I start at
the boof head end and use electrical tape?
Mikey | you may... but not white.. that is reserved
for our lord harry potter...
Soap | ok.....I only have dodgy orange ones
anyways.....stupid servo doesn't have black
and white :(
Mikey | that shall do nicely...
*measures your skull with one of those pinchy
measuring things*
Hmm.. very good..
Soap | *gets flicked in the eye as your measuring
tape flicks back*
son of a bitch!
Mikey | *clicks stop watch*
reaction time to eye flicking, 0.027
seconds... very nice.
the force is strong in you....
Soap | I also do Yoga yes yoga I do
Mikey | Do you do Yogo?
Soap | hell no.......I ain't that crazy!
Mikey | yeah.. crazy LIKE A FOX!
Soap | hey I ain't no murdoch....you take that back!
Mikey | but murdock was the cool one...
Soap | pfft says you......I know that name but can't
think of the show :(
Mikey | the a-team!!!
ba ba baaaaa!!! ba ba buuuuuum!!!
ba ba baaaaa!!! ba badum dum duuuum!!!
Soap | LOL thats right......I use to have the A-Team
van AND the helicopter......I rode the car
down our drive way
Mikey | i just had a mr T and a Face man action
Soap | pfft......you were what we use to refer to as
"stupid A-Team wannabe"
Soap | ya should make a thingie that makes :) turn
into a real smiley face in chat......but give
it a Mr T hair cut
Mikey | I can do that too! woo hoo! what a plan... :)
Soap | and make the :( look like Braden LOL
Mikey | bwahahah! woo hoo... plan!
Soap | Mr T can smite Braden!!
Mikey | "I smite th' fool!"
Soap | I pity the fool who don't go to muck ups!
Mikey | heheh.. actually I'm scanning in wedding
photos and informing Jules of all the
incriminating things I saw her get up to at
the muck up on the weekend while she was off
her face... heheh
Mikey | Muck up was lame.. none of the good people
that were at the last one went to this, so it
was like, me dagga, archangel and braden
sitting around getting drunk... which is what
we could have been doing at home
Soap | hey I was a cool person at the last
one.....yay me
although I can't remember it and chucked a big
sad whilst there
Mikey | yes! you were one of the cool people!!! this
is who this years muckup needed...
Mr. T (why not?)
Soap | and yoda?
Mikey | yoda was there this year actually.. he helped
us out with the bbq...
Soap | did he get his tits out too?
Mikey | no...
but GOD that was scary.... I didnt get much
sleep that night... you know how sometimes you
wish you could un-see something?
Soap | LOL from what Mel has told me about the BBQ I
wish I was there just so I could hassle the
dickhead people
Mikey | it would have been a beautiful thing...
Soap | being a non drinker now would make it even
better I think.....and now that I know I am a
genius.....look out world!
Mikey | nyahey!!!! look out world!
Soap | I am going to grow a Mr T-esque hair style!
Mikey | WOW! I wish my wife would let me do that...
Soap | you like saying "my wife" don't ya? hehe
Mikey | its better than saying "my mother-in-law"
Soap | is Mr T chat ready yet? this idle chit chat is
making me hungry
Mikey | nooo.. im still too busy scanning in wedding
Soap | bah...wedding shmedding......you'll have like
five of them but only one Mr T chat room!
Mikey | all good mr t chatrooms come to those who
Soap | Tom Waits? I love that guy
Mikey | yes, his modern contemporary grooves move even
the stubbornest stains...
Soap | I dunno who he is......just knew I'd heard the
name before
Mikey | heheh I dont really know to be honest... a
singer of some description... but the good
thing is, that now I've mentioned him, when I
add this crazy conversation to my homepage,
Tom Waits fans from around the world will
flock to my homepage!!! BWAHAHH!! now THATS
Soap | bet ya it's not IQ of 161 genius such as I
am....no wonder I am a professor
Mikey | i canny remmebr, but it was around there....
Soap | Tom Waits was around there?
Mikey | No.. my IQ... Or was that my ICQ.... hmmm...
He's here at the moment... Tom Waits that
is.... He's mowing my back lawn...
Soap | Tom Waits Tom Waits Tom Waits Tom Waits Tom
Waits Tom Waits Tom Waits Tom Waits
there......that'll get ya hits
Mikey | yeah... and I'll see if I can find a pic of
him and slot it in... just for the fans... so
they dont get violent and start killing
kittens, or domo-kuns, or what-have-them...
Soap | hold on.....does he actually have fans?
Mikey | Hmmm... youre right.. this may require more
Soap | to the Tom Waits mobile!
Soap | Mikey rowed a boat ashore, are your
arrrrrrrrrms sore? Mikey rowed a boat ashore
what the helllllllll for?
Mikey | I was getting som more tang.. I ran out..
Soap | oh no.....life with out tang is like life
without Blossom....that lovable teenage girl
with the big nose
Mikey | Blossom did indeed rock...
Soap | her dad was so cool
Mikey | and so was her friend, Six!
Soap | lol i knew you'd remember all the meaningless
little facets of the show
Mikey | most of em anyway...
scary scary moths!!
Soap | I do ninja moves on them :)
Mikey | I owuld, but their ninja skills exceed mine so
I'm to frightened to...
Soap | you need to get a stick
Mikey | how big?
Soap | depends how far you want to be away from them
Soap | ooooooooh trashy Jerry ho's!
Mikey | i miss jerry...
Soap | KILL HIM HO!!!!
Soap | welcome to my nightmare *has flashbacks of
Alice Cooper eating chickens*
Mikey | I ate chicken once...
...tasted like chicken...
Soap | always the best way for it to be
Mikey | yeah... well it can taste like apricot too,
which is okay... as long as it dont go tasting
like toe jam or something...
Soap | toe jam......*sighs*......them were the days
Mikey | yes.. and earl...
Soap | what's earl got to do with it? whats earl if
not a second hand emotion?
Mikey | youre right.. damn earl...
Soap | he sucks many butt holes
Soap | you ever used NAT32 for networking?
Mikey | nope ... but Ive used NAD32, which is similar,
but is shaped like a giant pair of testicles..
err.. the answer is no sorry.. :)
Soap | you know anything about networking?
Mikey | Is that like a floppy disk?
hhehe.. I'm playing dumb...
but in honesty, I'm a web head... ask me
anything about ASP, javascript, flash, html,
cgi scripting, photoshop, pixie magic, etc...
Soap | you do the web developement diploma?
Mikey | nope.. i no need no steenking diploma
Soap | you didn't do the diploma? are you insane? no
one will give you a job!!
Mikey | I have the super doctorate in web internets...
So I'm Doctor Mikey of the Highest Order,
Soap | Mikey old boy, how art thou?
Mikey | thou are as humble as pie...
Soap | would this pie you speak of happen to be
humble pie?
Mikey | indeed...
Soap | you like the whitlams?
Mikey | i love the whitlams... in a strictly platonic
sence tho...
Soap | what about Alex Lloyd?
Mikey | I like alex lloyd... not as much as the
whitlams though... but alex lloyd is
Soap | now theres a word.....Lloyarific......I like
it I like it!
Mikey | yes! its should be included in the next
edition of the websters...
Soap | yes it should.......I'll give that little
black guy a call and see if he can include it
Mikey | he's the antichrist...
Soap | but his house did have secret passage ways
Mikey | yes... so it did.. Arrghh! flashbacks!
Soap | I remember when he went on holiday to the
desert and someone got bitten by a rattle
snake.....crazy college kids
Mikey | hahah.. I'm downloading the theme song now..
Soap | LOL
thats just scary
Soap | webster always wanted to be arnold I think
Mikey | yeah
New boy in the neighborhood
Lives downstairs and it is understood.
He’s there just to take good care of me,
Like he’s one of the family.
Charles in Charge of our days and our nights
Charles in Charge of our wrongs and our rights
And I sing, I want, I want Charles in Charge
of me.
Soap | LMAO
you sir are a bad bad man!
Soap | wow....you can buy guns over the internet
Mikey | yah!
Soap | I might go on a kill crazy rampage and become
famous like Stuart Diver......oh hold on....he
just got stuck under rocks.....I mean Martin
Soap | Dude! Yoda rocks!
Mikey | doesnt he just?
he's got that mad force goin on!
Mikey | yay! I got a clickthough from the button on
your webpage! yaay! thanks!! woooo!
Soap | wooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooo *dances the
jig of a triumphant person*
Soap | I set up a message board!
Mikey | you are the messagebaord setting up king!!!
Soap | I know...I know....now it just needs tweaking
Mikey | *tweak tweak*
Soap | thanks....I needed that *is tweaked*
Mikey | *does the dance of a thousand tweaks*
Soap | *is content in his tweaking*
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