The Vandal Factor

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Vandal apparently the new macs will run linux
Mikey yeah.. which is pretty easy for it seeing as osx has a linux core...
Vandal unix thank you!
Mikey same shit, different bucket...
Vandal buts its a very VERY stable bucket
Mikey yeah... my commodore 64 was stable too...

Mikey yeah.. me too, thats why I've got a collection of over 3000 arcade roms from the 70s-90s... :)
Vandal on disc or the actual ics?
Mikey on disc... I WISH i had about 3000 jamma boards... I'd open my own arcade and retire... :)
Vandal ill come work for ya! ill keep em going
Mikey heheh wooo!
Vandal and zenny can run the attached cinima
Mikey woo hoo! we'll rule the world!
Vandal what would we call it?
Mikey Mikey's World of Cool Arcade Games Come One Come All or something

Vandal do you have tiger woods golf for PS1?
Mikey I do have Cyber Tiger.
Vandal that the same thing?
Mikey i dont know of any other tiger woods golf games for the ps1, but I dont pride myself on my knowledge of that particular genre...

Vandal heh....been single for over 6 months now....and havin a ball!
Mikey Been married for over 6 months... I still have my balls!

Vandal *tag*
Mikey ARRGHH! I'm it... *runs aroung franticly trying to find someone to tag, but theres noone in the room* wha?
Vandal theres something you dont know about
Mikey theres a lot of things I dont know... which makes me kinda sad.. it would be cool to know everything... :)
Vandal nah....its fun finding stuff out
Mikey yeah.. I guess youre right... so maybe just before I die, I'd hope to know everything then, cause then I'll know anything and I wont be learning anything else anyway....
Vandal and you would have had alot of fun finding out
Mikey yeah.. so what do you know that I dont know?
Vandal ive gone blank......
Mikey oh dear... I'll have to get my information from elsewhere then...
Vandal heh....yeah someone will know something that i know that they know you dont know and will know to tell you this something so you then know
Mikey *head explodes*
Vandal *wipes head out of eye* you must stop doing that
Mikey sorry... Its a bad habit... It just happens when my head overloads with info...
Vandal you're developing windows-like traits
Mikey HAHAH.. yeah... my head crashes periodicly.. :)

Mikey yeah... *sniff* come back daaaave
Vandal sucks
Vandal what ever shall we do.....
Mikey woe is us
Vandal shame is a polar bear thats afraid of the water
Mikey poor bear

Vandal its a line out of comes before the woe is us line in that case
Mikey i am unfamiliar with balto...
Vandal really cool disney low buget.....however some big names on the voices.....kevin bacon plays balto
Mikey Ahh yes.. the dog!
Vandal half dog!
Mikey half alien?
Vandal half wolf
Mikey sure he's not an alien, or a jive talking bat?

Vandal yeah baby!
Mikey wooo!!!
Vandal yey! ill be 22 soon!
Mikey two little ducks, twenty two... BINGO!

Vandal goddam porno dvd wont work
Mikey its a sad sad day...
Vandal nah....great day....Im the most senior here today so Im boss
Mikey wooo hooo! vanilla coke for everyone!
Vandal evil stuff
Mikey yes... eeeeeevil... mwahahahahahah!

Vandal yey! porn works
Mikey heheh ... and YAAAY PORN!
Vandal however they are talking about a guy called Nick
Mikey arrggh! is it you!?!?
Vandal i dont remeber making a porn
Mikey are you sure? think hard...
Mikey arrghh... no dont think hard..
Vandal just lost all credit....they clame the chick is a virgin

Vandal we just met nick....not me
Mikey heheh does he at least look like you??
Vandal not at safe
Mikey phew
Vandal nope....i didnt make a porn

Vandal dude.... jjj are running a contest where you create a fictious 4 piece band and name it, take a photo of the members, make up the story about the band and what the have backstage to get them ready before a big show......wanna help me enter?
Mikey haha that sounds like a good idea... :)
Mikey cool. got any ideas?
Vandal ill have to really start thinking.....and well need costumes and doing something strange in the photo
Mikey yeah... we could call ourselves "The Science Teachers" and wear those checkered jackets with the elbow patches, and we could be rogue science teachers who play death metal and trash hotel rooms.
Vandal heh......and that makes strage things back stage all the more innteresting cos we could make it the stuff needed for some experiments
Vandal grapes and microwaves
Mikey HAHAH still havent tried that yet...
Vandal pitch forks and nikkie webster
Mikey euuu... ummm.. effigy!! burn burn!
Vandal what instruments do we play?
Mikey umm... 2 bass guitars, drums and the piccolo, cause lets face it, piccolo solos kick arse!
Vandal well need thick glasses and knee high socks
Mikey heheh
Vandal do we need a token chick?
Mikey hmmm.. yeah.. token chicks are cool...

Vandal this things telling me its your bday
Vandal and your special power is?
Mikey ummm.... I'm not sure... I dont think I have any... but I can make nicce pasta dishes...
Vandal how old are ya?
Mikey 2 to the 5, yizzow boyeezzzzz!
Vandal really??? i didnt think you were that old!!
Mikey yup.. Im an old old man.. :)
Vandal you mean 2 to the power of 5 right?
Mikey oh... noooo.. 25... not umm.. *counts on fingers* 32...
Vandal ahha.....that makes more sence now!!
Vandal you did that delibretrly to confuse me!!
Mikey I think so... yeah.. I dunno.. I think I ended up confusing myself more...

Vandal did you go bubeyes wif big bang?
Mikey big bada boom... *pop* you?
Vandal nup

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