Gabe's Wonderland

Gabe's Wonderland

I haven't remembered a dream in a while, so when I woke up this morning with this beauty, I tried my hardest to remember it thoroughly.

I was in the city (I don't know which one) with family when these two kids came up to me. One of them said "I'm sorry you had to wait so long but here are the Penny Arcade pants you ordered last month". I took the pants and joked about not paying for them because it took so long for them to be delivered. The pants were yellow sweat-pants with a Pac-Man logo on them. I decided to follow the kids, so I used my mad ninja skills to tail them. I followed them back to a house where there seemed to be a lot of activity going on in the front yard. There were chicks in g-strings being organised by a guy with a megaphone, people sitting on the lawn in a circle playing guitars, fire-eaters and other assorted shenanigans going on. I spoke to someone waiting outside who informed me that the house belonged to Gabe from Penny Arcade. Suddenly everyone got up and started to move into the house.

Once inside the house, I found myself in a queue, slowly moving forward and eventually passing through the turnpike into what looked like a huge indoor theme park. Gabe's wife, Kara, stood at the front of the group and welcomed us all to their home and told us to enjoy ourselves. The first room I went to was a huge video game arcade, but all the games were from the 80's-early 90's and they were all on free play. I made a mental note to return here later on. Then something weird happened. As I left the arcade, music started up and suddenly I performing a musical number with Kara. The duet we were singing was 'Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious' from Mary Poppins and there was choreographed dance moves and everything. This scene carried itself across many themed lands, such as a graveyard, a land of chocolate and through some clouds. After the song, the crowd cheered and we took a bow. I went back to the arcade and asked someone where Gabe was and I was told that Gabe was up in the Control Room controlling the music and lights for the musical number. Disappointed that I wasn't going to meet Gabe, I left the house and started to walk home. Then I saw Gabe walking along just ahead of me, so I caught up to him. I thanked him for the great day and he was very appreciative. He then had to catch the bus across the road, so I waved to him and said "Bye Mike!". Then I woke up.