

This is where the magic happens, and by "magic", I mean "all the crap that I come up with that doesn't belong on any of the other pages". By "happens" I mean "gets uploaded" and by "the"... well that just means "the".



  • Band Names
    Awesome Band Names
  • Dreams
    Some people get a kick out of reading the dreams of others. Well let me tell you, my dreams are not like others.
  • Drunken Ramblings
    Sometimes you think of the greatest things when you've had a few. I like to record them for the world to share. If you've said something totally bizzare in the state of innebriation, I'd love to hear about it.
  • List of potential band names
    Need a name for your band? Check out our list here.
  • Post-Apocalyptic World...
    ... or "Dont press that button!!"
    23rd July, 2001
  • Mikey gets engaged...
    ... or "Let me introduce you to my fiance..."
    26th December, 2000