Planet MadDog

Back in London
For the last 7 days we've seen pretty much all Britain has to offer. We've gone straight up the right hand side of Britain, up as far north as Glasgow and Edinburgh in Scotland (where I could quite often be heard muttering "SEE YOU JIMMY!" and "That's NOT how you make porridge!") and then down the left hand side through Wales ("Oooer missus!" and "You're a wizard, 'arry!") stopping of at Stonehenge on the way back for a spot of pagan ritualistic dancing about (not nekkid dancing unfortunately... the -6 degree temperatures saw to that).

The other travelers on our tour were all-right sort of folk, including a chick who kinda sorta looked like Buffy and an old dude who kinda sorta looked like Charles "Bud" Tingwell, 'cept there was this quite daft old woman who seemed intent on pissing Gracie off.

We just arrived back in London a few hours ago and after a nap, it's now time for some dinner. Our plane leaves for tomorrow at about 1:30pm so we have to be ready for our transfer at about 9:30am, so thats a nice sleep in as opposed to the 6:15am wake-up calls we've been getting over the last week. We'll pick up our cheap rented car at the Belfast airport tomorrow afternoon and head off on our Irish adventure. We'll keep you posted.

Oh, and as some of you know, I'm available via SMS if you've got my number.

Luv Mikey and Gracie.
Posted by a very alienated MadDog on Sunday December 16, 2001 at 4:55 AM - (0 comments)


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